

Hand Hygiene Training

Quality Care Hospital

Before touching a patient, before clean/aseptic procedures, after body fluid exposure/risk, after touching a patient, and after touching patient surroundings.


Needle Stick Injury Taining

Quality Care Hospital

Eliminate the use of needle devices whenever safe and effective alternatives are available. Provide needle devices with safety features. Provide sharps containers for workers to bring into clients' homes. Investigate all sharps-related injuries.


Post Operative Complications Training

Quality Care Hospital

Training session on Post Operative Complications conducted by Novartis Pharma in our Quality Care Hospital.


Infection Control Meeting

Quality Care Hospital

Infection Control Meeting conducted in our qulaity care hospital. also explain about the awareness of the corona virus infections and explain awareness about it.


Staff Nurses Meeting

Quality Care Hospital

Staff Nurses Meeting Conducted in our quality care hospital. Most useful session to knew more things about the services for patient.


Fire Extinguisher Mock Drill

Quality Care Hospital

A fire drill is a method of practicing the evacuation of a building for a fire or other emergency. Usually, the time it takes to evacuate is measured to ensure that it occurs within a reasonable length of time. Mock Drill: Mock drill makes it clear that it is just practice and there is no real fire..


Fire Extinguisher Training

Quality Care Hospital

Staffs acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to function safely and effectively as an integral member of a firefighter team.